Saturday, May 14, 2011

Why You Should Listen to Your Children: Chapter One

Isaac comes to me crying holding out his fingers. I kiss them gently, and ask him what's wrong. He doesn't stop crying and run back to play as usual, so I kiss them again, and again I say, "What's wrong?" But this time I finally I hear what he has been saying the whole time. "Mommy, mommy, I got poop on my fingers
This little gem of a true story was my Facebook status a few months back. I think this will probably be one of the stories that I tell over and over in the nursing home someday. In all of the crazy moments of mothering there are just some that stick in your mind. Of course it might have been the taste of antibacterial soap in my mouth that really cemented the memory but something I have been thinking about lately is how lucky we are to have Facebook and other online communities where the small disasters and crises of life can be converted to instant entertainment for our friends and family. Say what you will about how technology is isolating us and replacing "real" relationships but there are a lot of moments when the one thing that preserves my sanity is the thought, "This is going to make a great Facebook status!"

1 comment:

  1. I AGREE! Things are so much more bearable and even hysterically funny when shared with our online communities.
